15yo feeling like wasting life

9 hours ago 3

Hey, so im 15 and ive spent most of my free time in front of a PC, its not fun anymore for me, at least not most of the times. My Parents stopped giving a single damn about me since i turned 12, now its just all about the money and how much of a bad son i am. I dont have much friends, by saying much i mean i have like 6 of them and most of them are like low level friends iykwim, we dont hang out together or anything. For the past two years ive been feeling like im wasting probably the Best years of my life. I love spending time outside, doing physical work and just doing stuff with nature, but not alone. I dont have ant clue what to do, im Lost, like REALLY Lost. I am a very social person but im feeling like everyone i know in the end hates me and doesnt want to hang out with me, even my friends from elementary school ive known for my whole life now ghost me, im misserable. I need an Advice, badly, really badly

submitted by /u/SubstantialKangaroo3
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